Who Is This Human?
"Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu"
Christina Scherer was born a human being on the planet earth. She was born out of the body of another human being, a mother, and was raised by her, on said earth. They traveled all over the land meeting many odd folks from here and there. This meeting of many odd folk sparked a curiosity in Christina about why humans live differently from one another and why they believe different things. Christina became an actress in her heart at age 3. This allowed her to explore the human spirit and their beliefs freely and without limits. This set off a series of events including national commercials, guest spots on television series’ (Medium, Grey’s Anatomy, Perception, Two and a Half Men) and a few starring roles in movies (The Intern, Interior Night, Three Christs, After Everything). Alongside her career as an actress, the human being called Christina ran a photography business she named “Handsome Photography” for 14 years. She further explored human vulnerability by photographing faces of the young actors and actresses of Hollywood.
In the fall of 2019 Christina moved to New York City to pursue broadway along with continuing her career as a film and television actress. She had an upcoming trip planned to vacation in Greece for her day of birth in May 2020 — a painting retreat. As this was canceled during the Covid-19 pandemic, she followed that strange little voice that seems to talk within human souls. Christina shifted her focus from acting & photography— to painting. She enrolled in The Milan Art Institute’s Mastery program and grew her skills over the course of the year.
The themes she generally explores include but are not excluded by: the divine feminine, vulnerability, and unity.
Her mission is to explore the human story and illuminate the divine spark within us all.
Currently you can catch her on Season Two of the Outstanding Artist series on Art Club. She is also working on her first oracle deck collaboration with Mia Magick.